Thalidomide Group Australia
Here now ... Looking for Justice

Links and
Additional Information
Thalidomide Worldwide Organisations
Thalidomide Trust (U.K.)
Thalidomide Ireland
Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada
Thalidomide - Sweden
Thalidomide - Japan
Thalidomide Articles
– relevant to current and projected health of survivors
* Securing Our Future - The disability and health costs of UK Thalidomide affected people . (2012). National Advisory Council to
Thalidomide Trust. UK.
* Pain News. The British Pain Society - Thalidomide Embryopathy. (June 2013). Vol 13. Issue 2. A publication of the British Pain
* Looking to the Future: Evaluation of the Health Grant to Thalidomide-Impaired People. (2012). Firefly Illuminating Research. UK.
* Thalidomide: Enquiries to be carried out repeatedly with regard to problems, specific needs and support deficits of thalidomide
victims . (2012). University of Heidelberg. Germany.
* REPORT: Study on the current living conditions of Canadian Thalidomide Survivors and their projections for their future. (2013).
Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada. Canada.
* EU Thalidomide Survivors’ Campaign : Press Pack EPP, S&D, ECR Joint Press Conference : 11am : Wed 27th May
* Damage to Health, Psychosocial Disorders and Care Requirements of Thalidomide Survivors in North Rhine Westphalia from a
Long-Term Perspective. (2015). Expert Opinion Commissioned by LZG.NRW. Germany.